Every garden is different as is every gardener therefore depending upon your level of need, I can help you with:
e) Garden mentoring
I have long established links with The Gardens Group, 3 garden centres in Dorset and Somerset. The group offers a full range of quality plants and excellent customer service.
Tailored to your needs and to your garden, this takes place in your garden beginning with a one hour session. This is often enough to give you direction and confidence however this initial consultation may lead to more detailed work as outlined below.

Design services
a) Survey drawing
b) Scaled detailed design drawing
c) Scaled planting plan (s) & plant information and care document
d) Setting out plans
e) Lighting & Electrical plan
f) Drainage & Irrigation plan…..

“I am simply delighted….. you have re invigorated my enthusiasm – thank
you…..” Sarah
“Thank you for the garden plan, which is excellent and exactly what we wanted”
Anne & Larry
“… you have no idea how your visit has rejuvenated William’s enthusiasm for the garden!”
William and Meredith